About Craft Q&A
What are the three key concepts for creating the brand Craft?
Biotechnology combined with herbs and essential oils. This combination combats the stereotype that natural products are slow to
bring about results. We believe merging the traditional use of herbs and essential oils with modern science of biotechnology is the answer to creating natural and
effective skincare products.
A lot of brands use the selling point or
branding of “natural”. How is Craft unique compared to the natural brands in
the market?
Being safe is never the selling point, as
skincare products should be safe in the first place. We aim for effectiveness
on top of that.
How important is it that Craft is produced in Hong Kong?
Skincare brands should be clear and
specific what type of skin types they serve. Craft is very clear from the
beginning that our target customers are ethnically Chinese. Given we are found
in Hong Kong, we are clear that our R&D basis are Hong Kongnese. Once we
clarify our target customers, it’s clear how we do our R&D and which
ingredients we combine to produce our skincare products.
我們覺得護膚品品牌需要認清自己的服務人群。 Craft一直以華人作為研發基礎。我們品牌在香港創立及製造,而香港人正正是我們的研發對象。這賦與我們在選材上的觸覺,能精準地打造出合乎人們需要的強效護膚品。
How does Craft pick and choose the ingredients?
Once we have the skincare formulations, we
choose the ingredients according to the quality. For example, we chose ginger
essential oil from South Africa, which is one of the best of its kind. The key
is we don’t stereotype the place of origin. We pick and choose solely based on
the effectiveness and quality of the ingredient itself.
我們一直堅持憑質量作為唯一專選材指標 - 例如我們引入南非的薑精油,是因為其辛而辣的特質,這正正是最頂級薑精油必備的。我們沒有原產地的偏見, 相反,我們只基於原材料本身的有效性及品質作出最嚴格的篩選。
How did you settle on the slogan Your Skin Your Brand?
We believe that the use of skincare
products is to improve skin conditions. What brand you use is never the
highlight. People are interested in what type of products you use because of
how you look. Let’s say your skin looks healthy with minimum makeup, or your
hair has a pleasant volume without heavy hair set. Your friends or family would ask which brand or products you use. If
you look like an old hag despite your age, none of your close friends would be
interested in what brand you use. It’s never the other way around.
If I see someone who has spectacular skin, I would be curious what skincare products that person use.
Exactly. So our aim is to improve our customers’ skin conditions so they show their best side. Our slogan Your Skin Your Brand echoes our belief that using whatever high-end brand is not the key, as your skin is your brand.
How could customers know which Craft products
are suitable for their skin?
Our products have various skincare product
forms which spread from water-based forms such as toner to oil form such as our
cleansing oils. We are familiar with which form is suitable for which type of
skin so we are confident that most customers could find effective products that
tackle their issues. We believe how you use the products significantly
contribute to the results, so we dedicate resources to produce short videos and
easy-to-understand guidelines for customers to follow.
我們的產品有十數種劑型,由最輕薄的水劑 - 保濕水,到最粘稠的油劑 - 潔膚油。我們很熟悉各產品劑型,能深切理解客人的需要並推介最佳方案。另一個重點著墨是用法,我們團隊投放極大的資源去製作短視頻和簡潔的圖示,讓客人了解產品的正確用法,達致最佳美容效果。
Ed 畢業於英國蘇格蘭斯克萊德大學 (University of Strathclyde) 款客服務業管理學系,主修【水療會所管理】,早在大學時期已接觸香薰治療,及後在英國及丹麥的水療會所及養生中心工作長達4年之久,同時是【英國城市同業公會協會】及【英國芳香治療師協會】的全科畢業生。回港後,開展自己的美容事業,曾為香港各大機構培訓及演講,當中包括HSBC、 Hysan廣場美妝世界、She.com、Loreal、Telford Plaza 及 Hong Kong Airlines 等,強項是護膚品成份學及處理複雜的皮膚病變等問題。